Reverend Mystery Muzangaza
Reverend Mystery Muzangaza is a Senior Pastor and a Teacher of God’s word with an Apostolic calling. He is the founding and Senior Pastor of the Harvest of Souls Ministries UK with branches in Liberia and Zimbabwe. He is a graduate of the International Christian Centre (ICI), Brussels with a BA Degree in Bible/Theology. He is a former lecturer and Head of the New Testament department at the Living Waters Theological Seminary then Living Waters Bible College (1995 – 2004).

Reaching The Unreached
Rev Mystery is a church planter, mentor for pastors in ministry, counsellor, and a shepherd of God’s flock. He has a passion to reach the unreached with the gospel and to win them for Christ by every means possible.
He is married to his dear and lovely wife Lucy and together they have been in the ministry for over 30 years. They have enjoyed both the flavour of the first and third world ministries and God has been gracious with them.
Lastly, one will never regret listening to sermons and teachings by Rev Mystery. He is authentic and sincere in sharing God’s word.
Book Releases

His Vision
Rev Mystery Muzangaza has divine mandate to reach the unreached with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to establish and ground the saints in their Christian faith by teaching an authentic and undiluted word of God.
His Mission
Rev Mystery Muzangaza together with his wife Lucy and the church he pastors have a mission to take the message of Christ to all nations before the second advent of Jesus Christ.

Christian Values
Rev Mystery Muzangaza believes strongly in the following Christian values:

It brings us closer to God and brings down His divine presence so that He becomes Emmanuel meaning “God is among us”.
It nurtures every believer and establishes them in their most holy faith.
Soul Winning
It is fulfilling the divine mandate to take the gospel to all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).
It is character that makes one qualified to be an ambassador for Jesus Christ.
It is the medicine and spiritual health for every believer that keeps one united with the body of Christ.